Thanks to all those who joined us for the 2019 Advanced Next Gen Partnership Convening in Eugene, Oregon. This page includes materials from the two-day training as well as resources from partnerships in attendance.
Training Materials
Slides from Jennie Bautista’s facilitation training
Slides from Francie Genz’s facilitation introduction
Partnership Resources
Maui County Health Care Partnership (MCHP)
Shasta Grow Manufacturing
Collaborative video. This video was produced in partnership with Butte GMI to create one video that included manufacturers from both counties that could be used to share about our work.
Case study profiles (Seco Manufacturing & Crystal Geyser)
Social media brand called Made in Shasta features companies and products that are made in Shasta. This builds excitement among the community. We have plans to create a 30 sec video spot that will promote manufacturing jobs with a call to action that leads people to a job board with some educational opportunities at the college that support the skills needed by the manufacturers. This commercial will be placed on movie screens as well as social media like You Tube, Hulu and other ads.