Toolkit (Copy)

Training Manual


The Next Generation Sector Partnership Training Manual is the product of fifteen years of lessons learned from sector partnerships across the United States. It includes step-by-step guidance for regional teams to work together to build successful industry-led sector partnerships.  



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These tools are intended to be used in conjunction with the training manual by regional sector support teams as they plan for and implement industry-led sector partnerships. 

MODULE 1: The Step-by-Step Process of Building Industry-Led Sector Partnerships

MODULE 2: Coordinating Business Services and Outreach

MODULE 3: Serving Jobseekers and Students on the Frontline

MODULE 4: Connecting Industry-Led Partnerships to Career Pathway Systems

MODULE 5: Success Metrics of Next Gen Sector Partnerships

MODULE 6: State Roles and Responsibilities for Next Gen Success

Terms of Use

All content in the Next Gen toolkit is free for use, with attribution. We created this toolkit because of growing demand for practical tools and guidance from practitioners and business leaders across the country looking to build authentic, business-driven partnerships. We don’t make money off our materials. We share them freely in order to grow the field of Next Generation Sector Partnerships. So, seriously. Use our stuff. Here are rules we ask you to follow in return:

- Give full attribution via the intact Next Gen name and logo on all materials used and shared. The Next Gen Sector Partnership name and title and/or logo must also only be used for official Next Gen materials and shall not be used on materials created by other entities.

- Join the Next Gen Community of Practice to connect and share with other practitioners across the country. Sign up for our mailing list and send us a note at to let us know you’ve found the Toolkit valuable. We’d appreciate knowing how you’ve used it.

- Consider contributing financially to the Institute of Networked Communities, the organization behind the Next Gen Community of Practice. Your donation supports the continued development of Next Gen tools and resources. Donate here.

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This training manual is the product of the past fifteen+ years of lessons learned from the sector strategy field across the United States. Much of the original content, materials and tools were developed over a four year period (2012-2016) with the State of Colorado, a flagship for Next Generation industry sector partnerships. In 2016, the State of Oregon provided funding to update the training manual. The tools, modules and lessons learned are drawn from over a dozen states and their regions, and are updated regularly.